Saturday, February 08, 2014

Researching the Josephus problem

All posts in this series:

  • One Potato: A description of the problem
  • Two potato: The basic equations
  • Three potato: An algebraic formula for the last person left
  • Four: A neat calculation method using binary numbers
  • Five potato: F# functions to check the various formulae
  • Six potato: Using a calculation graph to see the pattern
  • Seven potato: Generalizing to other intervals
  • More: An efficient algorithm for arbitrary intervals
  • Online research: In which I discover that it is called the Josephus problem


This is the ninth post in a series about an interesting Mathematical problem known as the Josephus problem.

Imagine a number of people sitting in a circle. Every second person is asked to leave the circle. This continues until only one person is left. If you label the people 1 to n, what is the label of this last person?

In the first 6 posts in the series:
  • I derived a formula for the label of the last person left,
  • I provided various proofs of the formula, and
  • I wrote code in the F# programming language to calculate the answer in various ways.

In the seventh and eighth posts I created an efficient algorithm for calculating the answer when the number of people skipped is not two but some arbitrary interval k. But I wasn't able to find a closed formula. And I felt I had gone as far as I could on my own. It was time to see how other people had solved the problem.

This post is about what I discovered.

The problem has a name

The first thing I discovered is that the problem has a name. It is known as the Josephus problem and it is widely used in Mathematical and Programming challenges. So I will be updating the previous posts to reflect the accepted name.

You can read more about the history of the Josephus problem on Wikipedia or Wolfram Mathworld.

In search of an elegant solution

My own attempt

When there are n people in the circle labelled 1 to n, the formula for the last person left in the circle is: $$ f(n) = 2n + 1 - 2^{{\lfloor log_2 n \rfloor} + 1} \tag{1} $$
In the third post in the series I used algebra to prove this result. But although algebra is a very powerful tool for proving the formula, it doesn't give any insight into why the formula is true.

One of the challenges I set myself was to provide that insight. The closest I came was in the sixth post in the series, where I used a calculation graph to show the pattern of values for $f(n)$.

Chamberlain's solution is much more elegant...

Chamberlain's solution

Chamberlain's Solution can be found on page 403 of Problem Solving and Recreational Mathematics 2012 by Paul Yiu of Florida Atlantic University.

His solution is based on a few key insights. I've paraphrased these as follows:
  1. When the number of people in the circle is a power of two, the last person left is the first person skipped. This is because:
    1. All the even numbered people are skipped each time around the circle
    2. Exactly half the people are eliminated, so the remaining size of the circle is again a power of two
    3. Person one will still be the first person skipped on the next traversal of the circle
    4. So the process repeats itself with the circle halving each time, until person one is the only person left

  2. Suppose the size of the circle is $2^m + r$ (with $0 \le r < 2^m$). Carry out the first $r$ removals. Then:
    1. The first $r$ people removed are persons $2, 4, 6, ..., 2r$
    2. The next person to be skipped will be person $2r + 1$
    3. This leaves a new, smaller circle with $2^m$ people
    4. So we can apply the rule from point 1 above (for a circle of size $2^m$)
    5. So person $2r + 1$ will be the last person left in the circle

Making it rigorous

There are a few points above which may not be obvious. Let's try to make them more rigorous:

In point 2.a., the assumption is made that the labels of the first $r$ people removed would not "clock over" (i.e. one revolution of the circle hasn't been completed). Is this assumption reasonable?

$$ \begin{align*} \text {By definition: } 0 & \le r < 2^m \tag{2} \\ \text {and: } n & = 2^m + r \tag{3} \\ \\ \therefore 2r & < 2^m + r &\text{ by adding r to both sides of the inequality on the right of (2)}\\ \text{i.e. } 2r & < n \tag{4} \\ \\ \text{Also: } 2r + 1 & \le n \tag{5} \end{align*} $$
Equation 4 shows that this is a reasonable assumption.

In point 2.b. we also assumed that the next person to be skipped will be person $2r + 1$. Equation 5 proves that this label doesn't "clock over" either.

So this proves that $f(2^m + r) = 2r + 1 \text{ where } 0 \le r < 2^m$.

And this can be re-expressed in terms of logarithm and floor functions by noting that:
$$ \begin{align*} 0 & \le r < 2^m & \text{ from equation 2} \\ \therefore 2^m & \le 2^m + r < 2^m + 2^m \\ \therefore 2^m & \le n < 2^{m+1} & \text{ from equation 3} \\ \therefore m & \le \log_2{n} < m+1 & \text{ since logarithms are monotonic (order-preserving) } \\ \therefore m & = {\lfloor log_2 n \rfloor} \tag{6} \\ \\ \text{So:} \\ f(n) & = 2r + 1 \\ & = 2( n - 2^m ) + 1 & \text{ from equation 3}\\ & = 2n + 1 - 2^{m+1} \\ & = 2n + 1 - 2^{{\lfloor log_2 n \rfloor} + 1} & \text{ from equation 6} \end{align*} $$
And this is the formula given in equation 1 earlier.

A beautiful visualization of Chamberlain's solution

You can find a beautiful visual explanation of this solution on the Exploring Binary web site.

Another very succinct solution

I was also very impressed by this solution. But although it was very succinct, I didn't feel that it provided the same "aha" moment of Chamberlain's solution.

Generalizing the Josephus problem to arbitrary intervals

I found two algorithms for generalizing the Josephus problem to arbitrary intervals.

Jakobczyk's algorithm

One of these was in a paper entitled On the Generalized Josephus Problem by F Jakobczyk. Although interesting in its own right, I'm rather going to concentrate on the other algorithm I found, as it was far more elegant...

The Ahrens-Schubert algorithm

I found the first page of an article by I. M. Davids published by the Applied Probability Trust. This page gives a very elegant algorithm for the Josephus problem generalized to arbitrary intervals. But since only the first page (with the abstract) is provided, I don't have a proof for the algorithm.

The Ahrens-Schubert solution uses a number series known as an Ahrens array. These are also referred to in the paper as "rounded up" arrays. They are similar to geometric sequences, except that the answer is rounded up after every step. So each term is the previous term multiplied by a factor $f$ and then rounded up to the nearest integer.

Suppose $a_0$ is the initial integer term. Then: $$ \begin{align*} a_1 & = \lceil{a_0 . f}\rceil & \\ a_2 & = \lceil{a_1 . f}\rceil & = \lceil{\lceil{a_0 . f} \rceil . f} \rceil \\ & ... \\ a_m & = \lceil{a_{m-1} . f}\rceil &= \overbrace{\lceil{ \text{ ... } \lceil{\lceil{a_0 . f} \rceil . f} \rceil} \text{ ... } .f \rceil}^\text{m times} \\ \end{align*} $$

The Ahrens-Schubert solution works by finding the largest number (say $a_{m}$) in this series which is less than $kn+1$, where $k$ is the interval to skip and $n$ is the number of people in the circle. The answer is then $ kn + 1 - a_m$.

But what are the values for $a_0$ and $f$ in the rounded up series?

Well, one neat thing about the Ahrens-Schubert solution, is that by choosing different values for $a_0$ it can determine not just the last person left in the circle, but any arbitrary $e^\text{th}$ person removed from the circle. Here are the parameters: $$ \begin{align*} f & = \frac{k}{k-1} \\ a_0 & = k(n - e) + 1 \\ \therefore a_0 & = 1 & \text{when determining the last person left in the circle (set } e = n \text{)}\\ \end{align*} $$

The Ahrens-Schubert solution for $k = 2$

Something else I like about the Ahrens-Schubert solution is how cleanly the closed formula for $k = 2$ emerges from the algorithm. When $k = 2$: $$ \begin{align*} f & = \frac{2}{2 - 1} = 2 \\ a_0 & = k(n - e) + 1 = 2(n-e) + 1 \\ \text{ or: } a_0 & = 1 & \text{for the last person left in the circle}\\ \therefore a_m & = \overbrace{\lceil{ \text{ ... } \lceil{\lceil{a_0 . f} \rceil . f} \rceil} \text{ ... } .f \rceil}^\text{m times} \\ & = \overbrace{\lceil{ \text{ ... } \lceil{\lceil{1 . 2} \rceil . 2} \rceil} \text{ ... } .2 \rceil}^\text{m times} \\ & = 2^m &\text{since the ceiling falls away as all terms are integers} \end{align*} $$ So the answer is $2n + 1 - 2^m$ where $2^m$ is the largest value of $a_i = 2^i$ less than $2n + 1$. And this reduces to equation 1!

My implementation of the Ahrens-Schubert algorithm

Below is my implementation of the algorithm in F#:
let rec getLargestTermInRoundedUpGeometricSeriesBelow 
        (startValue:int) (factor:double) boundary =
    if startValue >= boundary then
        raise (
                "The starting element in the series is not below the bound!"))
        let nextValue = int (System.Math.Ceiling( (double startValue) * factor ))
        if nextValue >= boundary then
            getLargestTermInRoundedUpGeometricSeriesBelow nextValue factor boundary

let calcEliminationNumberInCircleWithIntervalByRoundedUpSeries 
        eliminationIndex interval sizeOfCircle =
    let dInterval = double interval
    let factor = dInterval / (dInterval - 1.0)
    let bound = interval * sizeOfCircle + 1
    let initialValue = interval * (sizeOfCircle - eliminationIndex) + 1
    bound - getLargestTermInRoundedUpGeometricSeriesBelow initialValue factor bound

let calcLastLeftInCircleWithIntervalByRoundedUpSeries interval sizeOfCircle =
    calcEliminationNumberInCircleWithIntervalByRoundedUpSeries sizeOfCircle interval sizeOfCircle

Performance of the Ahrens-Schubert algorithm

Below are timings for the algorithm:

These are the same inputs as I used in my own algorithm from post 8 of the series, shown below:

Comparing the timings, you can see that the Ahrens-Schubert algorithm is noticeably faster. It took 0.9 seconds to my algorithm's 1.2 seconds when k = 2, and 2.4 seconds versus 2.6 seconds when k = 100.

Other references

Code to solve the Josephus problem

Implementations in a variety of languages can be found on the Rosetta Code web site.

More research on the Josephus problem

I found an extensive list of references to the Josephus problem on the web site. Professor David Singmaster has provided a list of articles on recreational Mathematics. Page 4 of source document 3 lists a large number of articles on the Josephus problem.


In this series of articles, I have tackled and successfully solved the Josephus problem. This includes finding an efficient algorithm when the problem is generalized so that an arbitrary number of people is skipped.

I have discovered that this is a well-known problem with an extensive history and a number of explanations and algorithms, including two that were extremely elegant. This makes it an ideal problem to tackle yourself, as there are extensive online resources to compare your approach against.

Using F# to implement various algorithms has been particularly rewarding. This has piqued my interested in functional programming. As a result, I have started dabbling in Haskell. I also recently completed Martin Odersky's Functional Programming Principles in Scala course on Coursera and the follow-up course on the Principles of Reactive Programming. These are thoroughly enjoyable courses, which I recommend highly.

But I'm glad to be finally wrapping up this series on the Josephus problem. It's definitely time to move onto something new!

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